Christian education

Biblical college

The Biblical College of Religious Teaching of St Peter and St Paul initially derived from the internal resolution of the Statutes of the St Paul Commitee, legally registered and published in the Journal Officiel de la Republique Française (July 1996), while the University and College of the church, Art.4 of the Statutes, concerning Higher Education, was registered in January 2000, in the city of Marseille, in accordance with our legal capacity to grant degrees and give credit transfer/equivalence (Art.L731b of the “Code de l’Education”, 09/22/2002, stating that a validation through life experience is equivalent to any regular procedure to obtain it, Art.L335).

Through our ordained and trained clergy, and affiliated clergy, we hope to equip the saints to be able to do our Lord’s work of teaching the committed Christians the orthodox Christian theology, and to rejoice the path to discipleship of Christ (2 Tim 3:16).

And for ordained and qualified clergy who would like to help us equip other saints, do let us know. We delight in working with our committed and compassionate orthodox brethren for the good of others.

Peace of our Lord be with you always!
